Wedding date
Asked by K***y |
Hi there! My fiance and I are looking to get married next year in 2017. I'm a Rabbit (1/11/1987) and he's a Dog (1/02/1982). Can you pls provide which is the most auspicious date ? I understand November and October are really good months for us to get married. Many thanks! K
Yes, Chinese lunar November and Octover are the best months for you to get married. In Gregorian calendar, it starts from November 18, 2017 - January 16, 2018.
During these periods, you could choose one of the following auspicious dates:
November, 2017: 21st (Clash Horse), 27th (Clash Rat)
December, 2017: 1st (Clash Dragon), 3rd (Clash Horse), 8th (Clash Pig), 11th (Clash Tiger), 19th (Clash Pig), 20th (Clash Pig), 28th (Clash Sheep)