Wedding date


Hi would like to know if july 7, 2018 is an auspicious date for wedding?

Male: aug 25,1993
Female: oct 24, 1994

1 Answer(s)

Hi KinG,

July 7, 2018 is an inauspicious date for wedding. You'd better not choose that day to get married. If you want it in July, 2018, better choose one of the following dates:

July 3rd (Clash Tiger), 4th (Clash Rabbit), 5th (Clash Dragon), 9th (Clash Monkey), 12th (Clash Pig), 21th Sat. (Clash Monkey), 24th (Clash Pig), 27th (Clash Tiger), 28th Sat. (Clash Rabbit), 29th Sun. (Clash Dragon)

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