

natalia 4 december 1992 with victor kristanto soerodjo 9 desember 1989, engagement 1 july 2018, wedding 18 august 2018
is it the best day? or not?

3 Answer(s)

Hi natalia,

1 July 2018 is not a good day for engagement. In July of 2018, the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 22nd days are good for you to have marriage engagement.

18 august 2018 is an auspicious day for you to have wedding ceremony to you.

if we gonna engagement in may of june? what is the best date? in saturday or sunday maybe
Hi natalia,

Auspicious engagement date for you in May and June in Saturday or Sunday include May 6, May 26, June 2, June 9 and June 23.

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