Relationship compatibility can this work well for happiness & success?


Female birthday 7/1/1966
Male birthday 4/4/1966.
Together 7 yrs. No marriage proposal. He seems to lack confidence, committment, knowledge of relations, patterns, rhythms. Some communication, connection, trust issues from inside him.
Has affected me now, too.
Are we deeply compatible? Should we be together? Can we learn the art of communication and soul sharing? Should we continue to attempt to/will we deepen our connection in a deeply loving, healthy, devoted manner? Will we, should we marry? If yes, best days for marriage?

1 Answer(s)

Hi Jean Ann Jergensen,

Is your birthday July 1st or January 7? If it's July 1st, you are both under the sign of Horse. Two horses have self-inflicting problem of obstruction. It means you are not fit to get married because you clash with each other. If it's January 7, that's okay for you to get married.

To my experience, if two who have been in a relationship for 7 years and hasn't got married, they may couldn't get married in the future. Most of the people around me like you break up at last.

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