Palmistry- heart line super thick and straight all the way across palm


Palmistry- heart line super thick and straight all the way across palm

Maybe doubled? Or chained? I have a picture , on both hands the heart lines are exactly the same. Symmetrical deep straight across.

1 Answer(s)


A thick and straight heart line without any break, branch, island is a good one showing you are faithful to love and could enjoy a stable love relationship.

If your heart line is chained, it shows you are sentimental. Once there are a lot of chains, you would have a lot of emotional entanglements. Especially during your middle age, you may suffer marriage crises.

Doubled heart lines show you are good at expressing love and are initiative in love. However, it also shows you could accept two relationships at the same time. You are usually talented, pretty or handsome, attracting the opposite sex greatly.

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