One traingle below and one above heart line.


One traingle is below the heart line. The other triangle is above the heart line.
The triangles have one common point the second point is not common(ie it does not form a proper square) wot does it indicate.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Ravi,

The triangle on the heart line is good which indicates you will get good luck in wealth or get property from marriage or love. If it's below or above the heart line, that's not a good sign. It indicates you are not faithful in love and careless when doing things. In health, you are easy to get disease related to heart.
Both triangles are on the heart line..But one is on the upper side of line and other on lower side..
The base of both triangles are the heart line..
So no heart problems naa?
Hi Ravi,

Yes, there will be no heart problems as the triangles are on the heart line. That's a good sign.

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