My mom is born on 1958 ( the year of dog). I am born on 1988.


Chances of a family relationship. It will give bad luck for dragon n dog families?

1 Answer(s)

In Chinese culture, Dog and Dragon are in the Six Offending/Conflicting Groups, that means you are easy to have confilicts in the same family. You are naughty in your childhood which always make your mom headache.

Based on the compaibility and incompatibility relationship of 12 Chinese Zodiac signs, your mom is suggested to wear an ornament with the sign of Tiger or Horse. You are suggested to wear one with Rat or Monkey sign. But you should avoid wear Rat if your mom wears Horse. If your mother wears a Tiger sign, you should wear a Rat sign instead of Monkey. This could be a cure for your relationship.

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