Should two Oxen have baby in Rooster or Dog year?


My husband and I are both Oxen and were both born in 1985. We have a son that was born in the Dragon year and another son born in the Sheep year. My husband and I are hoping to have one more but I'm struggling with whether or not to try for that Rooster baby or to wait to try to have a baby in the Dog year. I'd honestly like to be pregnant sooner than later but am curious to know which would fit better with the family dynamic as it currently stands. Thank you so much!

2 Answer(s)

Ox is most compatible with Rooster and Dragon and Sheep are both compatible with the Rooster in Chinese Zodiac. Both Ox and Dragon are incompatible with the Dog.

So, it's the right choice for you to have a baby born in the Rooster year.

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