Moving in house this June


We will be moving in a new house this June
My husbands birthday is on 4 Aug 1980
mine is 4 Oct 1981
my eldest 15 July 2001
my youngest 01 Jan 2011


1 Answer(s)

Hi Sheryl,

Your signs are Monkey, Rooster, Snake and Tiger seperately.

Auspicious dates for moving in a new house this June in clude:
June 3rd (Clash Rabbit), 4th (Clash Dragon), 11th (Clash Pig), 13th (Clash Ox), 16th (Clash Dragon), 17th (Clash Snake), 22nd (Clash Dog), 23rd (Clash Pig), 26th (Clash Tiger), 28th (Clash Dragon)

Except June 17 and June 26, you can select any of the above dates.

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