Love or Arrange Marriage


Hello I am in serious love with a girl her name is Harshitha will she accept my love her DOB is 29-11-1997 if she accepts my love will it lead to marriage or not if not accepts what shall I do and my DOB is 20-11-1995

My date of time is 7:12pm and date of birth place Machilipatnam,Andhra Pradesh,India

3 Answer(s)

Hi Raja Sekhar,

You may get married with her. You are really gone on each other, but you need a long mutual accommodation period to make your relationship better due to your different life experiences. You are steady, open-minded, conscientious and responsible, and she is gentle, cultivated, diligent and systematic. You often gets angry because of her excessive devotion to work and conservative life style, while she hopes you could bring her more material luxury.
How much percentage is there getting married with her. I really love her and I can't imagine my life with out her how much time does it takes her to understand my love

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