Were you born between 01/22/2004 and 02/08/2005? If you were born between this period, your Chinese zodiac sign is Monkey. 2016 is year of the Monkey. So, you meet your zodiac year in 2016. People usually think people in his zodiac year would enjoy a bad luck. In fact, that's not the case. Your fortune will be neither too good or too bad. It's decided by yourself. If you have a good attitude towards life and try every effort to make things better, you will enjoy a very good year. In the opposit, your will enjoy a very bad luck.
By the way, you are suggested to wear red to help defuse the bad luck in the year.
Were you born between 01/22/2004 and 02/08/2005? If you were born between this period, your Chinese zodiac sign is Monkey. 2016 is year of the Monkey. So, you meet your zodiac year in 2016. People usually think people in his zodiac year would enjoy a bad luck. In fact, that's not the case. Your fortune will be neither too good or too bad. It's decided by yourself. If you have a good attitude towards life and try every effort to make things better, you will enjoy a very good year. In the opposit, your will enjoy a very bad luck.
By the way, you are suggested to wear red to help defuse the bad luck in the year.