Husband pig 1971 having an affair.


How do I stop their affair? She's a 1978 horse. I am a 1977 snake.

2 Answer(s)

In Chinese Zodiac, the male Pig and female Snake are not compatible. To make your marriage successful, you have to learn to bring out the best of each other and cherish each other.

You are suggested to analyze the reason causing he has an affair. It's just caused by the woman only or also due to your incompatibility as well. In most of the cases, this kind of affair is caused by the hate of family life. If you have problem with your husband, you should try you best to solve the problems between you two first. Only do something to stop their affair couldn't solve your problem at all. Although they separate, he will have an affair with another woman one day if you couldn't maintain your love relationship well.
Thank you for your advice.

There was a communication breakdown and over focus on the children and work after the children were born.

I neglected my husband giving him an opportunity to seek concern outside, which led to the affair.

Any suggestions on how to improve marriage relationship between a pig and snake, knowing that we are an incompatible pair. I am trying hard to work on my marriage. Can forgive but not easy to forget n trust. I am not sure if they are still seeing each other or not.

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