flying star in 2017 on february


what direction flying star in 2017 on february?i want to pray to god for wealth.and what element color of candle i can use on my praying?how many candle i can use?

6 Answer(s)

Hi penvanna,

The prosperity star Eight White will fly to the due east in 2017 in Chinese lunar lunar January (February in Gregorian Calendar), April, September and December. You may obtain a great deal of wealth from work and windfall in this direction. Eight White belongs to earth in five elements while earth can generate metal, so the items belonging to metal can be placed here to improve the luck for wealth. Or, you may place two big-leave evergreens to make your home prosperous and draw money. Never place the vessels with "water", such as fish tank or vase here, so as to avoid financial loss.

You can use one of the following colors of candle:
Earth: Yellow, Brown
Metal: White, Apricot, Golden

The numbers can be 5, 6, 7, 8
what time and what date in february i can pray?
please answer me thank
You are under the Dog sign. Right?

The best time for you to pray in February include the 6th, 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st and 24th day. For the best time, you'd better let me know the date you choose first. It's too many to list all time here.
Yes i am dog, i want to pray on 24feb and which direction good luck for wealth because i need burn candle full one hour for my praying (lucky star) and what time we can start?
Auspicious Times on 24 Feb include:

North or East are directions good luck for your wealth.

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