Eliminate bad luck/curse


I recently went to a Buddhist temple and drew out a number on a stick. Then I went to get a note with the number on. It was a very unlucky one. It says that I have bad luck, stress, & anxiety because the people that past away is giving me bad luck/curse. Besides going to the temple and praying to the Buddhists & Holy Gods, what do I need to do to eliminate this bad luck/curse? Please advise. Thank you very much.

2 Answer(s)

Don't be superstitious. I went a temple once and drew out a lucky one. But nothing lucky has happened to me since then. So, I don't belive that.

If you belive that. Just doing good in daily life. That could help you eliminate the bad luck.
Yes, you are correct. I am too superstitious! I always try to treat people the way I want to be treated. It's just my boyfriend (7 yrs) and I just recently broke up and he now has a new girlfriend. I know I have to accept and move forward but it's just my heart feels broken and incomplete. I'm just hoping time will pass quicker this yr. Thanks

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