Dreamt about a tiger getting killed by 3-4 people


I saw a terrible dream where a tiger was captured by 3-4 people in the middle of some pond or stream.The tiger was struggling and one of the person was peeling of the Tiger skin without killing the tiger.He was all alive and they were just brutally ripping off his skin. I was just watching from a distance and later told these people what if someone peel off your skin all alive.The tiger was in terrible pain.
Just let me know what does this dream mean.
Sanjay Banik

1 Answer(s)

Hi Sanjay Banik,

Tiger in dream is the symbol of obstacle. Dream of catching tiger and kill it usually means the difficulties could be overcome. As it's not you capture the tiger and you feel sympathy to the tiger, it may mean in your waking life, some of the people try to help you but you don't accept.

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