The zodiac sign for the year of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 are Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat separately.
According to Chinese zodiac compatibility chart, Rat (your sign) is not compatible with Rooster (year of 2017), Dragon (your daughter's sign) is not compatible with Dog (year of 2018), Snake (your daughter's sign) is not compatible with Monkey (year of 2016) and Pig (year of 2019), Tiger is not compatible with Monkey (year of 2016).
If you would like your baby compatible with all of you. He/she had better been born in the year of 2020 (year of the Rat). But I think you couldn't wait for too many years.
In fact, the theory is not completely accurate to each one. It's only for your reference.
By the way, the Chinese zodiac compatibility shows Tiger is not compatible with Snake. How do you find the relationship with your husband and your daughter whose zodiac is snake?
The zodiac sign for the year of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 are Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat separately.
According to Chinese zodiac compatibility chart, Rat (your sign) is not compatible with Rooster (year of 2017), Dragon (your daughter's sign) is not compatible with Dog (year of 2018), Snake (your daughter's sign) is not compatible with Monkey (year of 2016) and Pig (year of 2019), Tiger is not compatible with Monkey (year of 2016).
If you would like your baby compatible with all of you. He/she had better been born in the year of 2020 (year of the Rat). But I think you couldn't wait for too many years.
In fact, the theory is not completely accurate to each one. It's only for your reference.
By the way, the Chinese zodiac compatibility shows Tiger is not compatible with Snake. How do you find the relationship with your husband and your daughter whose zodiac is snake?