Best date and time for mpoving back to our newly renovated hous


I was born at 19 oct 1981, female. My partner was born at 14 aug 1979. May i know when is the best date to move back to our newly renovated house. We have 2 daughters born at 18 nov 2011 and 10 feb 2017.
My mum say aug usually is the lunar 7 month and it is not good for moving yo a new house. Is that true. I found in this site still give few options to moving at aug. Pls help

2 Answer(s)

You'd better avoid moving during the ghost month: August 19th - September 16th.

If it's a must, you can select auspicious moving dates to move.

Here are some suggestions for you to move during the ghost month:

In August, auspicious date for you to move are as follows:
Aug.03, Aug.12, Aug.13, Aug.18, Aug.20, Aug.23, Aug.25, Aug.29
Thanks for your info.

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