auspicious day to open a business for the month of december


i was born november 20,1988 with a zodiac of dragon and my partner born day is november 5,1984 with a zodiac of rat can u please help me what is the right day and time to open a mini grocery business and a computer shop...thank you

3 Answer(s)

Hi candy,

You can choose one of the following auspicious dates for opening your business.

In October: 21st (Clash Horse), 27th (Clash Rat
In November: 1st (Clash Snake), 2nd (Clash Horse), 5th (Clash Rooster), 11th (Clash Rabbit), 14th (Clash Horse), 16th (Clash Monkey), 23rd (Clash Rabbit), 28th (Clash Monkey), 29th (Clash Rooster)
In December: 10th (Clash Monkey), 21st (Clash Sheep)

For the time, it's too many to list here. After you select the day, let me know. I'll help you check the lucky time for the day.
thank you for your immediate response really appreciated..i choose dec 10 Ms. Mary...thank's for the help really need it..
Hi candy,

I think you should open it in the morning, so I only offer you the auspicous time in the morning: 07:00-08:59 and 09:00-10:59.

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