Your birthday on Chinese lunar calendar is May 1,1966 and you are under the Horse sign.
Your fortune in career will be on the rise and you will have many opportunities due to the blessing of the auspicious star 'Tian De' (天德), which will make your wishes come true, get the help of others, and win the recognition of leadership. If you can cherish the opportunity of the auspicious star's positive effect, you will certainly display your skill to the full.
Your birthday on Chinese lunar calendar is May 1,1966 and you are under the Horse sign.
Your fortune in career will be on the rise and you will have many opportunities due to the blessing of the auspicious star 'Tian De' (天德), which will make your wishes come true, get the help of others, and win the recognition of leadership. If you can cherish the opportunity of the auspicious star's positive effect, you will certainly display your skill to the full.
Your luck in love relationship is not favorable in 2017. See for more information.