3 ring of Solomon


What’s the meaning of having 3 ring of Solomon?

1 Answer(s)

Having three Solomon rings on the hand is considered a very rare and auspicious symbol in physiognomy. It corresponds to the three stars of "Fu Lu Shou (with the meaning of happiness, position and longevity)" and is regarded as a sign of a wealthy and powerful person. The Solomon ring, also known as the Jupiter ring, appears at the junction of the palm and wrist, and is shaped like a jade bracelet, hence the name jade ring pattern or hand neck line. People with three clearly identifiable Solomon rings are considered to have a sharp mind, a particularly strong sixth sense, are good at observing the essence of things, can see through the minds of others, and can turn danger into safety even in dangerous situations. In addition, this palm feature also implies good luck with noble people and career development.

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