Worried monkey about her 2016 with her snake hudband


Im a monkey(1980) & my husband is snake (1965). As 2015 ends we are experiencing a third party on our 12 yrs together. Will we survive 2016? Will i still be with the love of my life or will he leave us for her?

2 Answer(s)


2016 in Chinese culture is not a good year for the monkey people in terms of many aspects as the year is your zodiac year. You will face the changes. The changes can be better or worse. It's decided by yourself. You should find problems between you two and try to talk more with him about your thought. Ask him if he still loves you. If not, give up may be the best way.

By the way, you are suggested to wear red, bracelet with Monkey sign or Pixiu to help defuse those bad luck.
In Chinese culture, the Monkey and Snake are not compatible with each other.

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