will i pass my final exams?


Recently I've given my final exams of B.A. will I pass these exams?

8 Answer(s)

Hi Tayyab,

It all depends. If the dates for your final exams are favorable to you and you study hard and prepare well for it, you have more chances to pass the exams.

What's the dates you will have the exams? And What's your date of birth?
My exams started from 21 April 2017 to 19 May 2017.
My dob is 2/May/1997.
21 April 2017 to 19 May 2017?

Or 2018?
21 April 2017 to 19 May 2017.
Excuse me, where are you. I'm waiting for the answer.
21 April 2017-25 April 2017 belongs to Jia Chen Month in Chinese lunar calendar. Chen is the earthly branch of dragon. You sign Ox is not compatible with Dragon, so the exams you had during these days may not have a very good result.

26 April 2017-19 May 2017 belongs to Yi Si Month. Si is the earthly branch of snake. You are very compatible with the Snake in Chinese Zodiac. So, you will have a good result for exams taken during these periods. Just for your reference.
So what is your overall assumption regarding to my exams result? As my majority exams took place in snake period?
Hi Tayyab,

You could pass the exams as your majority exams took place in snake period.

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