According to Chinese Astrology, the love fortune for the Pig people born in the year of 1959 will not be good in 2017. There are few chances for you to get married in 2017.
You will have very bad luck in love and find it's hard to develop the fortune with the opposite sex. If you are single, you will be unlikely to find the right one and have no mood to start a new relationship due to the influence of external environment; although you will meet many opposite-sex friends around, they are not the right one because of the relatively large gap between you in terms of age, condition and personality.
You will have very bad luck in love and find it's hard to develop the fortune with the opposite sex. If you are single, you will be unlikely to find the right one and have no mood to start a new relationship due to the influence of external environment; although you will meet many opposite-sex friends around, they are not the right one because of the relatively large gap between you in terms of age, condition and personality.