when i will change my job and when will i get married


Hi plz conf . as from long time i wanted to change my job but still i have not abel to find ,when i will get new job and when i will get married

name- ashish saxena
dob 10 september 1986
place -new delhi

1 Answer(s)

Hi ashish saxena,

You will be blessed with good luck in love in the Ox and Sheep year. Also, you luck in love is good in the Horse, Dog and Pig years. So, in these years you are more likely to get married. The next Ox, Sheep, Horse, Dog and Pig years are lunar 2021, 2027, 2026, 2018 and 2019 respectively.

For the tiger people born in 1986, you'd better stay where you are in job instead of changing. If you want to change, the next year would be a good year.

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