I was born on April second (2), 1969, location Ukraine Novii Mir


I would like to change career and move somewhere warmer - south. I live in Northern Eastern Ontario.
I have completed multiple colleges and hold diplomas in music, computer system engineering, admin. assistant computerized accounting and quality assurance analyst fields. I find that my present job as IT support is too stressful for me because we have monthly on call 7/24 duties when have to work during the day regular hours and perform on call after hours. I can't handle this kind of job physically. I need to change it, is it a good time for change? Moving, changing career.

2 Answer(s)

Since 2017 is the year of the Rooster, you born in 1969 under the zodiac sign of Rooster will suffer from conflicting Tai Sui, a kind of clash with Tai Sui(the Grand Duke Jupiter). You'd better not change your job rashly as you may not get the new job due to unexpected situations. In addition, you will encounter many difficulties in the new work environment; coupled with the influence of clash with Tai Sui, you will easily have conflicts with colleagues and leadership. So, you should think twice before changing the job.
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