What can l expect in the next two years?


Am about to retire at the end of Aug 2016 from my teaching career. I want more freedom to explore other avenues but am fearful if l am actually making the right decision as l have never 'not worked' in my life. I don't want to just become idle and am fearful that my life will lack purpose. The conflicting emotions for me, l need to slow down and heal my body and its so hard to do this at the moment. The other emotion is is this really right for me or should l just continue as l am doing now?

1 Answer(s)

Hi Elaine,

What's your date of birth?

In general, if your life changes a lot, there will be many problems occur. If your health condition allows, you'd better continue to work or find some other things you are interested to do. But not too tired to do things as health is the most important thing. Ask some advice from your wife is better.

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