Wedding in 2017


H would like to ask the suggested wedding dates for me (dragon -16 Aug 1988) and my boyfriend (ox - 19 jan 1986). Also, what does clash means? For instance clash monkey. Thank you

1 Answer(s)

Hi Agnes,

Clash XXX means the date is not auspicious for the definite sign to do anything important. You should avoid the date that clashes with your signs to get married.

The Chinese lunar months of February and March are auspicious wedding months for you. In 2017, the dates are from Feb 26 to Aprl 25 in Gregorian calendar.

During these time, you can choose one of the following auspicious dates for wedding:

February:27th (Clash Rabbit),

March: 2nd (Clash Horse), 5th (Clash Rooster), 8th (Clash Rat), 10th (Clash Tiger), 15th (Clash Sheep), 20th (Clash Rat), 26th (Clash Horse), 29th (Clash Rooster)

April: 1st (Clash Rat), 9th (Clash Monkey), 12th (Clash Pig), 13th (Clash Rat), 21st (Clash Monkey), 25th (Clash Rat)

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