want to know about palmistry as my hand has many many lines


I have many extra lines on my palm light amd narrow .. it's just like a spider web .. intersecting each other making crosses .... Details are not available anywhere

5 Answer(s)

Hi Aliza BAbar,

That means you own a palm that full of miscellaneous lines. This kind palm usually belongs to the person who is sweatful and usually worried about things and members of the family. You are a person having too many things to do and too many things to be worried about.
Is there any possibility that i can send you the pic of my hand ... And u can guide me to the right way ... Bcz looking at the other's hand and then mine .. make me quite worried ..
Thanks alot for your response :) I found it appropriate bcz I always reamain worried about every small things ...
Hi Aliza Babar,

Sorry, the palm reading now is for free, so picture couldn't be uploaded at present. We will have palm reading service in the not long future. You could send your pictures of your hand then. I'll inform you here and you will get notice from email.
Hi Aliza BAbar,

Here is more explanation about too many lines on palm:
Hi Hi Aliza Babar,,

Personalized palm reading is available now. You can click the following link to upload pictures of your palm:

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