left hand in palmistry


I have one fork marrige line in right hand and 3 marriage lines in left hand two little blur and one straight. I want to know its meaning

1 Answer(s)


The right hand is the dominate one in palm reading. It represents what you become after grown up. The left hand usually represents what you were born with physically and materially.

The longest and clear marriage line is usually used as a basis for judgment. Judging from your left hand, you have straight marriage line, it indicates you could have a deep and long love as well as a happy family. However, your marriage line in your dominate palm is forked. This usually stands for seperation or divorce with your partner. So, from your palm, you were born with a good marriage but due to some reasons, you may have problem with your partner. Don't worry, the palm lines are not fixed, if you could manage your marriage life well, the line will turn to be good in the future.

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