I'm not sure in which aspect do you want to know. The people born in March 11, 1982 are of Chinese zodiac sign of the Dog.
The Dog people is usually a man of cheerful temper and active. In nature, they are kind-hearted, loyal, polite and popular among others. They enjoy thinking and are usually patient under adversity. They also like to take a long view of all the matters. They are open-minded but are reserved in behavior. They like to manage money and also could get the most out of the money.
The Dog people is usually a man of cheerful temper and active. In nature, they are kind-hearted, loyal, polite and popular among others. They enjoy thinking and are usually patient under adversity. They also like to take a long view of all the matters. They are open-minded but are reserved in behavior. They like to manage money and also could get the most out of the money.