Sleeping in friend's bed toenail falls off


Hello there,
I had a dream last night and I don't know what it means. Can you please help me to interpret it's meaning?:
I was sleeping in my friend's bed with her beside me and we were woken up by her mother who discovered that my toe nail had been injured and I had bleed a bit on her sheets. My middle toe nail had come off but was still gently attached to the toe. Her mother tried to take off the toenail and I said "No."

2 Answer(s)

This dream indicates you have a large pressure in work or life and you lack enough confidence in your future life;
If you are ill, it shows you don't have confidence about your recovery;
In wealth, you will have a good fortune.
Thank you, Sunny Bai. I was in fact ill at the time and unsure that I had fully healed. I appreciate your insight.

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