red mole on arm n right palm


my sis has red mole on her right arm n also another red mole on mercury mount in right palm.

6 Answer(s)

sorry i ve mentioned wrong place in my above mentioned question. my sis has red mole on her right hand jupitor mount while she's a red mole on her right upper arm.
sorry i ve mentioned wrong place in my above mentioned question. my sis has red mole on her right hand jupitor mount while she's a red mole on her right upper arm.
plz reply me asap,m waitingggg
The red mole on mercury mount in right palm (which is rare) means that the dark side of the character can sometimes stop the bearer from succeeding in her career.

The red mole on her right upper arm suggests that she need to work hard for everything she get. She could also be involved in a very physical kind of work. Also it shows she loves children and will also have great affinity with them.
i want to ask one more thing she's a red mole on right hand palm on jupitor mount instead of mercury mount as mentioned earlier so what does it mean to have a red mole on jupitor mount?
plz do reply.
bundle of thanks for your earlier response!!!
kindly reply my above mentioned question

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