Moving to New House


Hello I am born 1982 and I am planning to move in to our new house on Jan 31, 2017, but the almanac says Clash Ox. I am born on year of the Dog, but my daughter is 2006, Year of the Ox, is that a problem? Or is it always based on the head of the family?

4 Answer(s)

Hi Marphy,

It's based on who will live in the new house. So, you'd better choose a day that doesn't clash you signs all.
My family's birthdays are
Mine Mar 14 1982
Wife Mar 20 1982
Son Jan 9 2006
Daughter May 14 2008
Mother In Law Mar 22 1958 (lives with us)

Do you think its ok to move on Feb 8?
You, your wife and your mother in law's signs are all Dog.
Son: Rooster
Daughter: Rat

Feb 8 doesn't clash your signs but it's an inauspicious date for moving. You'd better choose one of the following auspicious dates:
January: 9th (Clash Tiger), 15th (Clash Monkey), 18th (Clash Pig), 27th (Clash Monkey)
February: 13th (Clash Ox), 15th (Clash Rabbit), 17th (Clash Snake)
What date can we move on our new house?
Wife and daughter:rat

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