Moving house


Hello, need help to choose a date to move house in July/August.

Mr: 24/9/1970 Dog
Mrs : 1/2/1970 Rooster
Missy : 18/9/2002 Horse
Master : 16/5/2004 Monkey

I am in favour of 8 August as it is school holiday/public holiday. If it is not good date (given that it is near the 7th lunar month), what is the next best date? Do we need to stay overnight for 3 nights or just 1 night will be sufficient?

Thank you so much.

1 Answer(s)

Hi SF Wong,

8 August is an auspicious date for you to move house. Besides, 5 August is a good day for you.

You don't need to stay overnight for 3 nights. Just 1 night will be sufficient.

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