Lucky time and day to move into a new house for month of august 2016?


My Sign - Pig
Husband - Rooster
Daughter - Rooster

23 Answer(s)

Hi Nicolette,

You could choose one of the following auspicious dates for moving into the new house:

August 6th (Clash Tiger), 8th (Clash Dragon), 10th (Clash Horse), 14th (Clash Dog), 18th (Clash Tiger), 22nd (Clash Horse), 26th (Clash Dog)

Please let me know the date you choose, then I offer you the auspicious time for the day.
Thank you so muCh for the reply. I'm planning to move by August 14 or Aug 22. Thanks in advance.
We're planning to move to our new house this august 10. They said that august is a ghost month, is it really bad to move to a new house during the ghost month? Thank you
Hi Zel, as long as you choose an auspicious dates for moving into the new house, that's no problem. August 10th is an auspicious date. Make sure your sign is not Horse.
Thank you for the reply. My sign is sheep and my husband is dragon. Thanks again.
Thank you for the reply. My sign is sheep and my husband is dragon. Thanks again.
Asking for advise for auspicious date and time for move next month. Handover date is between 2nd to 3rd week.
Husband - Dog
Wife - Rooster
Son - Snake
Hi Jean,

You could choose one of the following auspicious dates to move.
August 8th, 10th, 15th and 18th.
Thanks Maria :-)
We are planning to move this August 26 but my husband and I are both DOG sign. Is it good to move on that date?
Hello again. My husband and i have decided to move to our new house on august 16, 2016. My husband is under the dragon sign (birthdate september 16, 1976) and i'm under the sheep sign (birthdate september 18, 1979). Initially, we have planned to move on the 10th of august, however it is not possible due to our busy schedule. Is august 13, 14, 16 and or 17 an auspicious date to move to a new home based on our signs? Thank you very much.
Hi Linda,

You'd better change another day. August 26 is an auspicious date for moving but not auspicious to you due to the date clashes with the Dog people.
Hi Zel,

Both August 13th and 14th are auspicious dates for you to move house. August 16 is not an auspicious date especially for moving.
Im planning to move on august 21. My sign is dog. Is it okay?
What if i will only fix and organize everything in the house and send all things i needed bfore the auspicious date? Then i will only stay or start sleeping on the auspicious date. Is it okay? Any suggestions?
Hi Dazel,

August 21 is not an auspicious date especially for moving. August 22, September 2 and September 3 are auspicious dates for moving.

As for the things you want to move before the auspicous date. You'd better don't move those big furnitures before the date.
We need to fix the plumbing because it's leaking and overflowing and causing inconvenience. We also need to fix the roof of leaks. When can I do it this month because it's urgent? I'm a horse sign and husband is under the dog sign. Thank you.
Hi Thess,

August 23, August 24 and August 25 are all OK for you to fix the plumbing.
Hi! Mam, can you help me again find the best date to move by October 2016. The plan to move by august didnt push through. Thank you in advance for the reply. Greatly appreciated.

My sign- Pig
Husband & Daughter - Rooster
Hi! Mam, can you help me again find the best date to move by October 2016. The plan to move by august didnt push through. Thank you in advance for the reply. Greatly appreciated.

My sign- Pig
Husband & Daughter - Rooster
Hi Nicolette,

You can choose one of the following auspicious dates for moving in October:

October 1st (Clash Dog), 5th (Clash Tiger), 7th (Clash Dragon), 15th (Clash Rat), 16th (Clash Ox), 18th (Clash Rabbit), 20th (Clash Snake), 21st (Clash Horse), 27th (Clash Rat), 29th (Clash Tiger), 31st (Clash Dragon)
Hi Mam! Good Day! May I know the auspicious time to move in the house on Oct 7, 2016? Thank you so much in advance mam.
Hi Nicolette,

Following are auspicious time to move in the house on Oct 7, 2016:

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