when is best best time for me to move in to my new house this month?


im in escrow right now my closing day is august 11,2017.i would like to know when is the best day to move in to the new house?

3 Answer(s)


Auspicious date for you to move into the new house this month include:
August 8th (Clash Rooster), 9th (Clash Dog), 10th (Clash Pig), 13th (Clash Tiger), 17th (Clash Horse), 21st (Clash Dog), 28th (Clash Snake), 29th (Clash Horse)

Make sure the date you choose doesn't clash your sign.
December 8 ,2017 its luck or unlucky ?when moving a new house?thanks
Hi Petra sooc,

Where do you live. In China, December 7 ,2017 is an auspicious date for moving. If it's December 8 ,2017 in your place, that's good to you. BTW, what's the Chinese zodiac signs for the people who will move in the new house?

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