Lucky house number


A house number is phase 2 block14 lot1,we moved 2012 is it become lucky for us and its facing north or northeast I guest

4 Answer(s)


Could you let me know your DOB? Better also offer the DOB of your family members
I'm February 19,1980,my husband December 13,1980,our siblings May 28,1999,November 7,2008,July 28,2011 planning to have another' one baby next year
Hi, your lucky direction are north, northwest, and west. And your lucky numbers are 1, 7 and 8. I think the house is lucky for you. Also, if your baby born next year, he or she also with the monkey sign, so the house is also lucky to him/her.
If your house is Block 14 and unit number is Lot 1, then your house should be sitting North facing South. A " Water " house.

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