Lucky Date for an exam


Hello,as I readin ur previous replies that thr is no lucky date for exams..but when I hv an option of choosing the date for my exam ,which date I should choose???.my DOB IS 14/09/1985..please help thanks.

5 Answer(s)

Will it be had in December?
Hello Mary,thx for the reply,as those exam ppl gave me choice of choosing the date in January 2018, nd dates are= 18,22,23,24,25,29,30,31. Plz kindly tell me which ll be the best date.thank
Hi Rashmi Shrivastava,

January 22 is the best date to you for exams.
Hello Mary,thanks for the reply,as I was thinking 25 will be good.but as said is 22 is really a good and lucky date for me.???as this exam is my life turning exam..thank
January 25 is only auspicious for few events like Sacrifice, Weaving Fishing Net. Anything else important should be avoided on the day.

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