Your birthday on Chinese lunar calendar is March 4,1972 and you are under the sign of Rat in Chinese Zodiac.
You Rats born in 1972 will have mixed fortune in 2017 the year of Fire Rooster 'Ding You' (丁酉): you will be helped and supported by the benefactor but get half the results with double the effort. Therefore, you need to make a mental preparation of effort disproportionate to harvest; despite the hard work and great efforts in many things, you may not get the expected results and feel disappointed. In fact, you will get the help from the benefactor in the year of Rooster, which will benefit your fortune to a certain degree but the specific fortune depends on your birth month.
You Rats born in 1972 will have mixed fortune in 2017 the year of Fire Rooster 'Ding You' (丁酉): you will be helped and supported by the benefactor but get half the results with double the effort. Therefore, you need to make a mental preparation of effort disproportionate to harvest; despite the hard work and great efforts in many things, you may not get the expected results and feel disappointed. In fact, you will get the help from the benefactor in the year of Rooster, which will benefit your fortune to a certain degree but the specific fortune depends on your birth month.
You can read for more information.
Good luck