Heart line and head line meet above the life line


I have lots of crosses and lines on my hands. But I also notice I have a very wierd line too. My heart line and head line, start with very distinct lines and come and meet right above my fate line. They do not touch the fate line but just become one line. I have neve seen anyone with such lines before. Can you explain what it means

2 Answer(s)

Hi Rashmi U,

Head line and the heart line overlapping into a single line is called Simian Line, Simian Crease or Single Transverse Palmar Crease.

You can get detailed meaning of that line here:
Thanks for your response Kendy! But my lines are not 1 line. They meet at the end of the palm. They start as 2 distinct lines almost 3/4th way. Then merge into one line. I have never seen anyone with such lines. I feel like there is something.

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