Future, marriage, career, health


Hello There,

My name is Deepa Jitendra Joshi, age 34 yrs old, birthday 14-12-1983, place of birth Himmatnagar, Gujarat. I have been divorced since last 6 months and not stable in my Job

I would like to know about my remarriage and kids

I would like to know about my career life stability

Also I would Like to know on my health

3 Answer(s)

Hi Deepa Jitendra Joshi,

I also need to know your birth time. Do you have kids with your ex-partner?
My birth time is 1:05 am / 1:10 am
14th Dec 1983, Himmatnagar,Gujarat,India

Hi Deepa Jitendra Joshi,

You usually are attracted by the opposite sex. So, you will have the second marriage in the future. But you need to choose this person very carefully. Or, you still will be obsessed with the marriage life.

In work, you are easy to be incompatible with the superior and be set up by someone. You need to have a good personal relationship in order to have a stable job in the future. Also, you need to change your indecisive character.

In terms of health, there is too much water in your Bazi which means you usually are weak and the hands and feet are usually cold. As you lack earth, metal and fire in Bazi, you are easy to have digestion problems. Also your respiratory system function is also relatively weak which makes you easy to catch cold. Besides, you may have high or low blood pressure, suffer from anemia and a weak cardiovascular function.

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