explanation on career lines


Hi there im a bit confused i tried to read my career lines as i;m changing jobs , the problem is that on the rigth hand it all positive and tells that i do eventually change careers but on the left hand there is a chain starting from the head line to my heart line what does it mean and both lines end in jupiter. Please help

1 Answer(s)

Hi Chantal,

You should choose the right hand to read. Both of your hands play great importance in hand reading. But one is dominant and the other is passive. The left hand usually represents what you were born with physically and materially and the right hand represents what you become after grown up. So, the right hand is dominant in palm reading and the left for supplement.

Fate line (career line) has timing points, you can read "Fate Line Timing" on https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/palmistry/fate-line-reading.htm. The chain on the career line means obstacle in the period. Since you said there is no chain on your right hand, it will be ok.

Good luck

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