Baby planning compatibility


Hi, I am planning for baby number #2 and potential future babies compatibillty. What are some compatible zodiac signs?
Me: 1991 Sheep
Husband: 1992 Monkey/Sheep (He was born January, not sure what I sure count him as. Does both sheep and monkey apply to him a little?)
Son: 2016 Monkey


Also I have not found much information about family/parent child compatibility. Only love compatibility. Where can I find out more?

4 Answer(s)


1992 monkey starts from Feb. 4, 1992. As your husband was born in January, he belongs to the Sheep sign.

Compatible zodiac signs for your family include Rabbit, Horse, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster and Dog. You can plan to have a baby under of one of these signs.

Thank you for answering Alice!
I thought Dogs do not get a long well with Sheeps and Pigs do?
^Can you explain more on that? Thanks :)
Sheep can be compatible with the Dog. But Pig couldn't get a long well with the Dog because these two animal signs are in the punishment group. They conflict each other.

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