Auspicious birthdate for monkey baby girl


I am expecting a baby girl and will due on 24 April 2016(not chinese calender) I trying to select an auspicious date for my c-section before this date. Whats the best day within 10 days before 24th April? Thanks.

5 Answer(s)

Dear Cindy,

Auspicious child birth date in April include:
1st (Clash Sheep), 5th (Clash Pig), 12th (Clash Horse), 17th (Clash Pig), 20th (Clash Tiger), 21st (Clash Rabbit), 24th (Clash Horse), 27th (Clash Rooster), 30th (Clash Rat)

I'm not sure what's your Chinese zodiac sign. You can check your sign by yourself and avoid the date clashing with your sign.

Wish you have a healthy and lively baby!
Thank you very much, Master. You solved my problem.
Thank you very much, Master. You solved my problem.
My due date is on April 29 for our baby girl. But hubby and I want her to be Aries. Hubby is Leo/Dragon(July 28, 1976) and I am Scorpio/ monkey (Nov 18, 1980). What is the auspicious date to deliver our child? Thank u in advance!
Dear E,

If you want your baby girl to be Aries, you could choose the following auspicious dates:
March 30th (Clash Snake), April 1st (Clash Sheep), April 5th (Clash Pig), April 12th (Clash Horse), April 17th (Clash Pig), April 20th (Clash Tiger)

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