Age and occupation


I would like to know the age of my future husband- will he be older (2,3,5+), younger (2/3/5 or more yrs)or around my age?

What will his profession be ?

female.My DOB is 25/5/1983 . Time 12:57am, Abudhabi, UAE.

2 Answer(s)

Someone please answer my question

can you describe my future husband, his physical features,his age,profession?how will I meet my future husband or have I already met him?female.DOB 25/5/1983 12:57am, Abudhabi, UAE.
Hi Zeejay,

You may get to know his physical features by reading your face:

Put your two palms together and see the position of heart lines on both palms. Then check here to see if he is younger or older than you:

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