3 Fate lines.


I have 3 fate small fate lines(not very small average) one from the bottom of hand to head line(not completely touches head line).Another one from the middle of life line to head line(and little bit more above head line).And the last one from head line to heart line.What does it means? Pls male me the answer.

2 Answer(s)


I think you only have one fate line stead of three. The one from the bottom of hand to head line is the real fate line. It means around the age of 35, you are likely to stop your work by your false judgment or decision. After the age, you are hard to have breakthrough in career.

The one from the middle of life line to head line belongs to the brach of life line.

What is the starting point of the last one from head line to heart line. Do you think it's a break of your fate line that breaks with the frist one? Are they in the same straight line?
Last fate line.

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