what do the four pillars said about my future


born sept 28 1997 2:00am

6 Answer(s)

Hi javier luna Suarez,

Where were you born? Are you married or not? In which aspect do you want to know about your future?
San Pedro Garza Garcia I'm not married or in a relationship. on my love life about future wifes or girlfriend s when would I meet them and how this relationship might go
You will show very well in work and have a promising future in career. You may meet your future wife at the age of 23 or 24. She is a confident and attractive girl. After you get married, she will bring you more good luck in terms of your career.
will this girl be closer to my age or older and what ethnicity she come from or what lookalike. Thank you
Sorry, not all things are predictable. She may be of the similar age of you.
O.k. thank you

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