what do my marriage lines said about my future


3 marriage lines the middle line look like downward curve I also have an x

4 Answer(s)

Hi Luis Sanchez,

Three lines mean mixed emotions and a weak concept of chastity. You may have a poor conception of life. You are usually talented, romantic and passionate to the opposite sex. If you couldn't utilize your wisdom, there would be troubles in love life.

The downward curve or X both means inharmonious marriage life which is hardly to make up and the risk of living apart or divorce.

Just for your reference. The lines on palm usually change and are not fixed. It may turn to be better in the future.
I have the x under my little finger
Hi Luis Sanchez,

The X under the little finger shows you usually lay emphasis on appearance and tend to judge people with their appearance; you are predestined to fall in love with God and Buddha and you might be obsessed with studying numerology due to the religious belief. Also, it indicates that you may have much sexual desires.
what does it mean to have much desire sexual and will have an inharmonious or good marriage. Since my lines could lines

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