Wedding day


I was born on 26 dec boyfriend on 3jan 1994... pls find a good day for marriage in july 2017

3 Answer(s)

Hi Rachelward45,

July 1, 7, 9, 10, 14, 17, 26, 29 in 2017 are all auspicious dates for wedding to you. You can choose any of the dates.
Is 7 july 2017 near ghost festival? What is the lunar date in 7july 2017? Since for lunar month 6 and 7.. is not good for marriage..
You can find auspicious wedding dates in 2017 here:

Lunar date of 7 July 2017 is 14 June 2017.The six lunar month is OK. The seventh lunar month is the Ghost month.

Ghost Festival happens on Aug.17 in 2017.

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