Time for Collection of car


In November 2018, 19Nov is one if an auspicious day to collect car. May I know what is the best time?

Thank you.
From Jess.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Jessie lee,

05:00-07:59 and 15:00-16:59 are auspicious time on the day to collect car.
Hi Mary,

Thank you for your reply.

May I know the timing stated in the websites 05:00-06:59, 11:00-12.59, 13:00-14.59, 17:00-18.59.. what is this timing for??

The timing u given is different from the timing stated in website.
Please advise.

Thank you again.

From Jess
Hi Jess,

Sorry, 05:00-07:59 should be 05:00-06:59.

05:00-06:59, 11:00-12.59, 13:00-14.59, 17:00-18.59.. are for general use and not fit for all events. For collecting car, the above two periods are auspicious.

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